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23 August 2024

By Chika Kinugawa of Seijo Congregation, Japan

And again, I say unto you, Sue for peace, not only the people that have smitten you, but also to all people; and lift up an ensign of peace, and make a proclamation for peace unto the ends of the earth…

Doctrine and Covenants 102:11a–b

Dear God, Creator,
We thank you for creating human beings, loving all people equally.
We live in different countries and speak different languages,
but it doesn’t mean there is a border or a fence between us.
Please lead us to keep the borders open between people’s hearts.
O Lord,
We are your gardener.
We will keep your beautiful garden, the Earth, which you created, clean
and manage it neatly for all people to live in peace.
We promise we will hand over this garden to the children, the next generation.
Children are the treasure and the hope for a bright future.

O God,
Please love the children, and let it be possible for them to show their talents equally all over the world.

In thanks, we pray, Creator. Amen.

Prayer Phrase

“…the earth is the Lord’s, and all that is in it” (Psalm 24:1).

Spiritual Practice

Flowing Water

If possible, sit where you can hear water—a fountain, stream, the sea, (perhaps a recording of water sounds). Listen to the sound as you thank God for the life-giving, life-shaping power of water. Pray for God’s blessing on all the parched places of the Earth where there is injustice, oppression, violence, and disregard for life. Pray for God’s justice to be released and imagine it flowing over the Earth, restoring righteousness and wholeness. Now, get up and drink a glass of clear, cold water as you pray, “God, let your justice flow through me as a disciple of Christ Jesus.”

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.

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