Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above…
[From Let Gratitude Show You the Way: A 21-Day Devotional Guide, Herald House, 2012]
Practicing gratitude as a spiritual discipline is about intentionally taking time to see that which is hidden in plain sight and becoming increasingly aware of the divine love that flows through all things.
Gratitude helps us learn to live with a heightened sense of awareness that everything is a gift that was first given to us. We did not earn it, buy it, or achieve it; we just simply received it. That breath you just took, it was a gift. The entire universe is a gift—you and everything in it. When we see everything as a gift, we realize that life doesn’t owe us anything.
Where in your day, or life, might God’s divine love be “hidden in plain sight”? What does that mean to you? How is it challenging? How is it affirming?
What are you grateful for today?
Prayer Phrase
“For everything created by God is good” (1 Timothy 4:4).
Spiritual Practice
Joy of Gratitude
Stand, if possible, with arms outstretched. Imagine God filling your arms with all that you have: family, friends, and possessions. Hold out your arms until they feel tired. Now, bring your arms across your body. Place your hand over your heart and thank God for the abundance that fills your life. Sit for a time aware of that abundance. Then ask God to help you open your heart in gratitude and share freely with others.
Today’s Prayer for Peace
Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.