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Ever Widening Circles

20 April 2024

By Sharon Nesbitt

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13

Our Creator God,
I am so overwhelmed by your majesty and cannot comprehend the how and why of you. Yet, your love is so constant and so complete, I am filled with its assurance and peace.

This temporal world seems to be in a state of perpetual turmoil and chaos. Thousands of voices vie for attention, seemingly drowning the still, small voice of your Holy Spirit. Only his very persistence penetrates our hearts, bringing light and hope: hope for a better way, a reassurance of your unfailing love, joy beyond compare in personal knowledge of you, our Creator.

You, who fashions each person in such a unique way, continuously interact with each of us. Your purposes are being fulfilled. We are instruments uniquely prepared by our Maker for service in establishing your purpose right where we are. Our tasks for peace start within individual hearts and spread outward in ever-widening circles to influence every facet of our lives, touching those around us with the rays of peace which are projected from you, through those who are submissive and surrendered to you, open and ready to be used in this capacity.

May we cleanse our inner beings of all strife and discord, becoming pure vessels before you. May we be used by you to spread a sense of inner peace to those searching and struggling for someone’s touch, for an indication they are of value and are loved.

Empower each of us to accept the challenge of discipleship, submit our wills to your will, that your peace, which we only glimpse in fleeting moments, may become a reality we know, bringing calm, restoration, and renewal to hearts still in turmoil.

Each day, may we respond to your call, your touch, your voice beckoning us toward the reality of peace and life which are found in relationship with you, our God. May your Holy Spirit guide us in our daily walk—a walk of peace and healing of spirit—heart to heart, sharing in love and joy.

In the name of your Son, the Christ. Amen.

Prayer Phrase

“…my God turns my darkness into light” (Psalm 18:28).

Spiritual Practice


Close your eyes and become centered with your breath. As you breathe gently in and out, reflect on the statement, “The light of God is in all things.” The light has a bright, soft beauty and radiates God’s healing love. The light of God reaches you and permeates you with a deep sense of peace. Rest in the light as it surrounds and fills you. Thank God that you live in God’s light, and it lives in you.

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.

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