But I say to you that listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.
[Adapted from “Scripture as Interpreted through Jesus, the Peaceful One,” Lew Shepherdson, Chris Barrows, and Ken Barrows, Jul/Aug 2021 Herald, pp. 12–13]
Jesus especially confronted religious leaders who fixated on obeying every detail of the Jewish law while forgetting that their traditions and rituals were supposed to serve the people. He chastised those who used legal loopholes that deliberately abused those they were supposed to protect. He challenged the scribes and Pharisees, the bureaucrats of the day, for rules and policies that exploited the poor and widows (Mark 12:38–40). He reminded them that religious practices, like the Sabbath, were intended to serve people’s needs, not enslave them to a set of rules (Mark 2:27). Jesus also pushed back against cultural rules by recognizing the “unclean” woman who touched his garment (Mark 5:25–34) and challenging the double standards of those who brought the adulterous woman before him to be judged (John 8:1–11).
In his interactions with people, Jesus refused to take easy shortcuts based on his perceived authority or social power over people. Instead, he listened to others and responded in grace. He also rejected the assumption that the only choice was between reacting with violence or with complacency. Jesus challenged people to resist without responding in kind.
The experience between Jesus and the woman at the well models the shalom in God’s upside-down kingdom (John 4:10–15). It was upside down because their meeting violated all the rules of Israelite culture and identity. It broke political rules because she was a Samaritan, with whom an upstanding Jew would never associate. It broke religious rules because she was a social outcast, with whom nobody (Jew or otherwise) wanted to be seen.
Scripture compels us to ask ourselves what signals in our cultures shout, “Unworthy!” or “Unfair!” or “Unclean!” Jesus’ teachings ask us to do the hard work of finding creative ways to actively resist injustices in our own time and culture. God invites us to live Christ’s mission by embodying love in our lives and relationships, as did Jesus, the peaceful One.
Prayer Phrase
“We love because God first loved us” (1 John 4:19).
Spiritual Practice
Sea of Light
Quiet and center yourself. Ask for God’s healing and guidance as you enter this time of prayerful presence. Close your eyes, breathing deeply and calmly. Imagine you are floating in a beautiful sea of light that rises and falls with each cycle of your breath. The golden light of this sea buoys you up, so you float effortlessly. Waves of light carry and wash over you, bringing wholeness and peace. Rest in the sea of God’s love; then offer a prayer of gratitude.
Today’s Prayer for Peace
Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.