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Christ Is Our Peace

21 July 2024

By Cheryl Saur of St. Charles, Missouri USA

So he [Christ] came and proclaimed peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near, for through him both of us have access in one Spirit to the Father.

Ephesians 2:17–18

Some time ago, my husband and I were on a 13-hour journey to visit family when we stopped at a fast-food restaurant for lunch. As we were eating, a middle-aged couple entered carrying a much older woman between them. Loving a mystery, I was filled with curiosity as to why they were carrying this older woman. Was it their mother, a sibling, or grandmother? What event were they celebrating? The couple sat her down at one of the tables, gave her a brief hug and went to the counter to order. It was evident that they shared a mutual love among them.

These three people were strangers to me, but as I gazed at this scene, I witnessed the profound love that glowed on their faces. I was overcome with the spirit of compassion and love for these three people. Suddenly, the unknown did not matter to me any longer. My heart filled with peace, and my eyes stung with tears. I savored this moment and leaned into the mystery.

Jesus calls to us to be different by loving all people…not just the ones we know. Apostle Paul’s mission to the Gentiles and Jews was to declare that Christ had torn down the walls that separated humankind from each other and from God. Christ teaches that God is fully accessible to all persons equally. There are no strangers in Christ because the barriers of hate and suspicion that keep us separated from each other and Christ have already been replaced with love and peace.

Christ is the cornerstone of the household of God…a firm foundation of love has already been laid! Rest into the spirit of love that comes to you from our Creator God…and savor the peace that is Christ.

Prayer Phrase

“For by grace you have been saved” (Ephesians 2:8).

Spiritual Practice

The Jesus Prayer of Mercy

The Jesus Prayer is an ancient spiritual practice from Orthodox Christianity. It is a way of connecting with the gracious Spirit of Christ as we ask to receive his mercy. The prayer comes from the scripture of the blind man calling Jesus to heal him. Silently enter prayer and let your breath become slow and even. Greet God and then take up the prayer phrase: Lord, Jesus Christ (as you breathe in) … have mercy on me (as you breathe out). Prayerfully repeat these words for several minutes (or forty times). Breathe the presence of Christ into your mind, heart, and body. Be transformed as you receive the compassionate, peaceful heart of Jesus.

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.


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