God, the Eternal Creator, weeps for the poor, displaces, mistreated, and diseased of the world because of their unnecessary suffering. Such conditions are not God’s will. Open your ears to hear the pleading of mothers and fathers in all nations who desperately seek a future of hope for their children. Do not turn away from them. For in their welfare resides your welfare.
[Adapted from Joey Williams, “Hospitality with Refugees,” 2024, in Extra Shot—Project Zion podcast]
Eddie and the Congolese refugee group had been meeting in the building adjacent to the Auditorium for approximately a year. But it was time to turn the building over to Habitat for Humanity. I approached Central USA Mission Center president, Greg Wilson, and asked if there were any other buildings available. He smiled and said, Let me make some phone calls.” He called John Boyd, the pastor at the East 39th Congregation in Independence.
This congregation had been discerning where their mission might go as their numbers dwindled. Greg presented a wild idea, and the congregation took a step that was one of the most mature things I’ve seen a congregation do. They decided they were going to give their Sunday mornings and Saturdays to the Congolese group. The Congolese congregation that started with 65 people the week before the 2023 World Conference in just a year and a half had become about 120 people, 80 of them under the age of 20.
Imagine the needs of a congregation like that. During the second week of meeting in the new space, they had their first baptisms. Apostle Bunda Chibwe baptized Eddie. You can just imagine how excited Eddie was that day.
I wrote a song with these words: “New Hope, new land, new freedom, New Hope, new dignity, new words in strange new syllables, new voices and new songs to sing.”
There will always be challenges but relationships are crucial. Just imagine how important it is for any stranger or refugee to have people in their lives that offer positivity. That’s what we do best.
Prayer Phrase
“Love does no wrong to a neighbor…” (Romans 13:10).
Spiritual Practice: Prayer
Pray for the end of exploitation.
“Defender of the Oppressed, bring an end to the exploitation and abuse of refugees. Protect them from harm and uphold their dignity.”
Today’s Prayer for Peace
Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.