David M. Nii
Office: +1 303-870-2589
Dave Nii is a member of the Council of Twelve Apostles and is assigned to the Southern USA Mission Field. He is also the USA Apostles Team lead.
His prior assignment was as USA field bishop. He also has served as bishop for the Asia Mission Field, apostolic assistant for the Western USA and West Central USA mission fields, president and financial officer for the Rocky Mountain USA Mission Center, bishop of the Denver Stake, and stewardship minister for the West Central States Region.
Born in Hilo, Hawaii, David received a bachelor of science in engineering from Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California, and a master of arts in religion from Park University, Parkville, Missouri. He also completed seminar courses in small group facilitation and business management.
He worked as a petroleum production engineer and engineering consultant. He also ran an independent equipment brokerage business.
As a bi-vocational minister, he served the church in the roles of pastor, financial officer, evangelism and community outreach coordinator, pastoral care commissioner, and member of the stake high council.
Community of Christ has 250,000 members in more than 60 nations. The church’s mission is to “proclaim Jesus Christ and promote communities of joy, hope, love, and peace.”
Community of Christ International Headquarters is located in Independence, Missouri, USA.