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Discover Anew God’s Impact

27 August 2024

By Phyllis Gregg 
Presiding Bishopric office director 

Each October and November, Community of Christ moves through a six-Sunday cycle when the church is invited to discover anew what God is doing in individuals and the world. This period is called the Generosity Cycle. It encourages us to create space in our lives to focus on generosity, to set aside time to remember God’s extravagant grace, and to respond through whole-life stewardship. 

This year the Generosity Cycle runs from 13 October to 17 November. Through this period, we experience the rhythm of four phases: Invite, Discover, Respond, and Reflect. 


13–19 October 

The Generosity Cycle invites us to intentionally stop and pause. Every moment is filled with God’s generosity if only we remember to stop and open ourselves to receiving these gifts. Every action and decision we make starts from recognizing how abundantly blessed we are. 


10 October–2 November

During the Discover phase, we see the many ways we are blessed every day. Our lives can become so familiar to us that we stop noticing the generosity of God that surrounds us. We take so much for granted. 


3–9 November 

God has blessed us abundantly. Our response to this generosity matters, not only in what we give, but in what we do with what we keep. Every action and decision reflects our heart. When we respond generously, it is a symbol of our witness to Christ’s presence in our lives. 


Find a commitment form to guide discussion during this phase at 


10–17 November  

Living generously is not a one-time event. The decision to embrace a generous worldview is a choice we must make every day. So, the Reflect phase is really the beginning…the beginning of each moment of our lives when we’re given an opportunity to reconnect with God’s blessings and think about our personal response to that generosity. 

Devotional Resources

Set aside time to become more aware of God's grace and generosity through these resources.


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