Building Bridges
By Greg Clark Communications The man, wearing a pith helmet and dressed in a purple, pink, and white...
We warmly embrace one another as family, celebrating our diversity and nurturing inclusive communities with 250,000 members in more than 60 nations. We seek genuine, vulnerable connections with each other and with God.
We believe everyone is called to make a positive difference in our world. We develop and equip people of all ages to generously share the peace of Jesus Christ and courageously pursue justice.
We offer a community where you can belong, be valued and loved, deepen your spirituality, and discover a purpose that can change lives and communities.
Our Enduring Principles define the essence, heart, and soul of our faith community. They describe the personality of our church as expressed throughout the world.
God’s revelation in Jesus Christ and continuing presence through the Holy Spirit, as proclaimed by scripture, is the foundation of our faith, identity, mission, message, and beliefs. We do our best to uphold these principles (values, concepts, themes) as a faithful response to our heritage and our continuing experience with God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
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The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.
In Luke 4:18–19, Jesus proclaims his mission when he reads from the Isaiah scroll and is anointed for a divine mission:
Reaching the brokenhearted, the suffering, and those who need hope and Christ's peace.
Sent to proclaim good news and invite others to join him in mission.
Release those held captive by unjust systems and the circumstances of life that devalue the worth of any person.
Those first Christians continued Christ’s mission by proclaiming the Living Christ, inviting all people into fellowship, valuing the worth of each person, generously and compassionately meeting their needs, and pursuing justice and peace for everyone. Our call is to reclaim the same vision and passion for the full mission of Jesus Christ today through five Mission Initiatives.
Invite People to Christ
We are poised to share the peace of Jesus Christ with those who are waiting to hear the redeeming words of the gospel.
We fulfill God’s ultimate vision as we...
We are poised to be Christ’s hands and feet, reaching out through compassionate ministries that serve the poor and hungry and stop conditions that diminish the worth of persons.
We fulfill God’s ultimate vision as we...
We are poised to restore Christ’s covenant of peace, even the Zion of our hopes. The hope of Zion will become reality when we live Christ’s peace and generously share his peace with others.
We fulfill God’s ultimate vision as we...
We are poised to equip disciples of all ages to be true and living expressions of the life, ministry, and continuing presence of Christ in the world.
We fulfill God’s ultimate vision as we...
We are poised to become congregations that are the true and living expressions of Jesus Christ, woven together by the Spirit, and sent into the world as evangelistic witnesses, compassionate ministers, and justice and peacemakers.
We fulfill God’s ultimate vision as we...
Learn how the church is pursuing Christ's mission in neighborhoods, villages, and communities around the world. Christ's mission, our mission.
By Greg Clark Communications The man, wearing a pith helmet and dressed in a purple, pink, and white...
By Ericca I am excited to write this. I love to write and have been writing poems and keeping journals since I was...
By Garland Land Blue Springs, Missouri, USA When my mother passed away, we went through her papers...
By Wednesday Jones Charleston Branch, South Carolina, USA Learning about the Black Saints mentioned in...