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Kirtland, Ohio, USA

The church was headquartered in Kirtland, Ohio, USA, from 1831 to 1838.

The church was headquartered in Kirtland, Ohio, USA, from 1831 to 1838.

Doctrine and Covenants

In the early 19th century, various religious groups reported divine revelations. Our distinctive practice was to document and recognize these revelations as scripture. The Doctrine and Covenants, a compilation of these revelations, was printed in Kirtland, Ohio, USA, in 1835. Since then, every prophet-president has contributed new revelations to this open canon, reflecting our belief in ongoing divine communication.

Kirtland Temple

The Kirtland Temple, also known as the "House of the Lord," was completed in 1836 and served as a central hub for the community, providing space for education, worship, and church administration.

Constructed using local materials, the temple was a significant achievement for the community, but within a year of its completion, the majority of its 2,000 believers had departed.

Financial Crisis and Exodus

In 1837, church leaders founded a bank in Kirtland which collapsed. The resulting financial crisis resulted in the abandoning of Kirtland as a gathering place. By the spring of 1838, most of the church from Kirtland, including Joseph Smith, his wife Emma, and their children, traveled west to join church members in northern Missouri.


Apostle Lachlan Mackay provides a tour of the Kirtland Temple in Kirtland, Ohio, USA, in a series of videos. Watch the entire playlist on YouTube.

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