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World Conference Resolution 1267

This resolution reminds us that we are called to take steps toward living and being communities of Christ's peace.

World Church Peace and Justice Committee

Adopted 5 April 2000 

Whereas, The conclusion of Community of Christ’s vision statement says, “We will be an international community of prophetic vision, faithful to the Risen Christ, empowered by hope, spending ourselves courageously in the pursuit of peace and justice,”; and 

Whereas, Community of Christ recognizes in its vision statement that it cannot pursue external peace without also pursuing justice; and 

Whereas, External peace without justice is a “counterfeit” peace that does not lead to reconciliation and healing of the spirit; therefore, be it 

Resolved, That the “Committee on World Peace” established by WCR 1177 and commonly referred to as either the “World Church Peace Committee” or the “World Peace Committee,” be renamed the “World Church Peace and Justice Committee” and its focus broadened to include the pursuit of justice, as well as the pursuit of external peace in the world; and be it further 

Resolved, That this World Church Peace and Justice Committee continue its pursuit of external peace and justice, recognizing that external peace and justice are closely related and may be pursued throughout the world in a diversity of ways; and be it further 

Resolved, That the diverse ways recognized by Community of Christ in which external peace and justice are pursued should include, but not be limited to, the personal and corporate means such as reconciliation, negotiation, mediation, and the use of justifiable force for peacekeeping, protection, and defense. 

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